Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Uno Mas.

Weird. One more month till I am finished with my six-month commitment of no dating. Time has flown by. But things are finally starting to look up. As some of you know, I haven’t followed all of my rules, but the most important thing is, I have tried to guard my heart. Sometimes I’ve failed, sometimes I’ve prospered. The great thing is…I’m starting, from disciplining myself, to enjoy contentment, and I like it. Strange how its taken me almost seven months to get to this point. To each his own I guess. I will have to say though, every single time you make progress, the devil will try to get you down. Pushing back against Satan’s lies has been a hard one, but something you can’t let over power your knowledge of God’s truth. I’ve had my ups, and definitely my downs. My downs lasting more often than the ups, but once I made the decision to “stay hot on His heels” as a friend has referred to it as, God definitely has been bringing me out of it.

”Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

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