Thursday, April 1, 2010


Lately I have been super busy, which has been great. But along with the busyness comes lack of sleep. Yesterday and the day before, I spent with my parents down in Los Angeles. Contrary to what this picture, taken in the hotel room right behind the bed on some weird headboard thing, may suggest I’ve gotten little sleep. Thanks to the fact that my parents snore, very loudly if I may add, I was only able to get a couple hours sleep. It was kind of a funny sight to see, the three of us all sleeping in one California King bed. Then last night I only got a couple hours due to writing a paper. Thankfully today I was able to take a…are you ready for it?? Six hour nap! It felt soo good to finally get some rest.

Although lately it hasn’t just been the lack of sleep that has been making me tired, but also just feeling mentally worn down. I’ve been asking for Jesus to bring me peace and for others to pray that I am brought peace and it seems to be working.

Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” –Matthew 11:28

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