Thursday, April 15, 2010


“Discontent is a sin that is its own punishment and makes men torment themselves; it makes the spirit sad, the body sick, and all the enjoyments sour; it is the heaviness of the heart and the rottenness of the bones. It is a sin that is its own parent. It arises not from the condition, but from the mind. As we find Paul contented in a prison, so Ahab discontent in a palace.” - Matthew Henry

Contentment. The eleven letter word most find unattainable. What does contentment mean to you? How do you find contentment? Is contentment sitting there reading the newspaper while drinking a warm cup of strong coffee? Is contentment dancing to some great music? Is contentment sitting there with your nightly TV program or perhaps your prized moments where you sit there and sew?

Contentment is something I always find myself struggling with. I’m not talking about the types of contentment like the examples above; I’m talking about a different type of contentment. I’m not content being single. I’m not content with my school choices. I’m not content with my wardrobe. I’m not content with my weight. I’m not content with my circle of friends. I’m not content with my messiness. I’m not content with my camera. I’m not content in my walk with God. I’m not content with myself.

While most of these things I need to find contentment with, finding contentment with everything isn’t always good. For example, contentment in my walk with God wouldn't be healthy; it would not motivate me to spend any more time growing in Him. If I was content being a messy person, I’m going to be a slob my whole life. An example of something I do need to be striving for would be being satisfied with His love. I do acknowledge though, full contentment will never happen in my heart until I arrive at those beautiful, pearly white, gates, I absolutely l-o-v-e this quote from C.S Lewis:

“If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.“

This year, I’ve been desperately searching for contentment, but never really thought deeply about how to achieve it. I’ve been trying to fulfill the satisfaction and peace I long for by doing a numerous amount of things. Whether it was moving, trying to find it in the opposite sex, confiding in others, trying to cry it all out, I’ve never been satisfied with my state. While some of these things weren’t exactly bad things, especially moving since I felt like I was called to, the cures themselves weren’t the full answer. I felt like that song by the Rolling Stones was on replay, “I can’t get no, satisfaction…cause I try, and I try, and I try…” So maybe that song isn’t necessarily talking about the good type of satisfaction I am, but still the same concept of trying and trying and trying and still not feeling satisfied.

I knew and know that God can only satisfy me, but all of my attempts didn’t fully get me to being on the road to satisfaction. Then something I read the other day from a Girlfriends In God devotional really struck me. Something so simple and plainly stated stuck out like a sore thumb:

“Disobedience is the enemy of contentment. Contentment and disobedience cannot exist together in the same heart.”-Mary Southerland

So I ask myself, how many times am I really trying to whole-heartedly be obedient? Sure, I have a huge amount of faith in Jesus, but how many times do I actually act on that faith? How often do I just sit in His presence? How often do I crack open that bible? How often do I switch my radio from a rap station to a worship station? Sadly, it hasn’t happened much this year. I am excited to say that this week I have been seeing a change when I actually am putting in an effort to knowingly being obedient.

When we choose to be obedient God will bless us. When we choose to be obedient He has more to work with. We are knowingly placing ourselves in His hands and saying use me, mold me. A great example of this is Paul, I would sum it up, but I will leave it to the man to explain it himself:

“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”- Philippians 4:9

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”- Philippians 4:11-12

We can choose the life Paul led. He was content in the Lord. He didn’t need anything else. Even in the beginning when we start to be obedient we are blessed. Think about how content you feel when singing a worship song. I don’t know about you, but worshiping Jesus through music is one of my favorite times with God. Praising God for all He is. What about the contentment you feel when you help others? How about when you spend that quiet time with just Him? How about when you choose to do the right thing?

Finding contentment is a goal that won’t ever be satisfied with here on earth, but something we should always be aiming for. I challenge you to make an effort to be obedient, and then see what happens with your struggle with contentment. Because everything Jesus calls us to do is not to harm us, but because He wants the absolute best for us.

“God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him.” -John Piper

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