Saturday, August 21, 2010

Second Day!

It’s the second day and I’m still going strong! Currently I’m listening to Step Up the movie that some people are watching in the lobby. If I knew these people I would stand up and start dancing, but I don’t so I probably should just sit here and continue typing. Haha. Today was awesome. The day started out having breakfast in the caf with one of my roomies, Lindsey. I went for the bagel, and my bagel ended up getting stuck in the slicer, so embarrassing! Then we went to the meeting in the gym and the SOS groups put on an amazing skit! Seriously I was busting up laughing the whole time! They put soo many different references in it and fairly long as well. From the old spice guy, to Kanye West cutting off Taylor, to Glee, to Mean Girls, to double rainbow, to Alan from the Hangover, to the Sandlot, and finishing it up with Inception was amazing!

Meeting with our SOS group was really cool. I have an awesome leader and some awesome transfer students in our group. It’s nice to finally meet some more transfer students since I mainly am meeting freshman. We played a game and it was awesome to bond with some other transfers.

Tonight proved to be very different. We had a communion service after the bbq at Biola. My brother, nephew, Mom and Dad were all there and it was an intimate moment. It was crazy emotional though, which was really weird. But there was such a sense of peace in the moment. I know it touched all of us, and we were all crying and praying. Crazy! The only time we ever pray together is over the food. Somehow I just know Biola is the right decision for me. Anyways, guess I will wrap this up, so dead tired!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Biola Move In Day!

So it finally came…move in day! I never thought about a little over a year ago I would be moving into Biola. Now here I am sitting writing this in my cozy room in Hope sitting chatting with my two roomies, while listening to the boys play basketball outside. I am happy to say, I feel perfectly content. You know how when something just feels right, you know? Biola feels like a second home. Everything just feels natural here. So far just today I have seen God’s love in people all over this campus. Somehow for being someone so shy in group settings with people I don’t know I’m finding the strength to go up and introduce myself. Maybe it could be that I’m not a freshman and this isn’t the first time I’ve been off alone. It also could be that I know in order to have the best social experience and meet new people, you have to put yourself out there. Whatever the case, I’ve tried to make myself a social butterfly today. I have, just today, met some cool girls on my hall, met my twin on the second floor, hung out at the bookstore and socialized, and went to some ice cream social type thing. I’m going around looking for cool people to meet and soaking it in while I can. Although, I know things will be a little bit different once classes start, and I begin to get homesick for my own room and bed. I also know there will be certain times where I will be sitting alone in a class, eating a couple meals by myself, but that time alone is a good refresher too. I ultimately believe that Biola is the place for me, but we shall see. So far, life is great and I couldn’t be more excited about going to college!